Wednesday, 22 March 2017

Overwatch game review by Kael

This game is about approximately 20 heroes who used to save the world until the crisis started and they all splited up. Soon, they started fighting each other because they have all forgotten what they are. New heroes are created monthly. Here is all the first heroes.

Some characters are bad, for example Reaper who used to be a good guy but now he is bad, his real name is Reyes. Others are both good and bad for example Sombra and Genji. Sombra works for both while Genji doesn’t really care which side he is on.

This is how it was before the crisis of the world (up). This game is a team based game about cooperation. There are different modes in each celebration. For example in New Year there is the capture the flag event. For me I will rate this game a 9/10. There are 4 types of heroes: the defence, the offence, the tank and the support. Each character has a role.